Integrity Screening

A comprehensive probity check is conducted to investigate the financial background of an employee to be hired. The check is conducted to ascertain if the candidate meets the regulatory requirements of working in core business domains such as financial services, banking, and insurance.

These checks protect you from penalties imposed in case of any regulatory compliance breach.

A directorship check looks deeply into a candidate’s past and present directorships. The check helps businesses and potential employers to verify whether there were any incidents when and where the candidate served as a director.

Sometimes these checks also verify if applicant is or was a shareholder of a business. With our directorship checks, companies can minimize conflicts of interest at a scale that arise from directorships or shareholdings.

Our PPSR checks ascertain if a personal property you’re going to buy or lease is not being used by any other party as security for any debts or obligations. With our PPSR checks, you can protect yourself from any fraud and unexpected claims on property that you are going to purchase.

Our team has expertise in PPSR guidelines and can protect your business interests.

We conduct adverse media checks on behalf of employers to unearth the past behavior of a potential candidate that may affect a candidate’s ability to join the team. The check also finds out the candidate’s character whether it’s a minor infringement that has been reported in media outlets. When conducted with other checks, adverse media checks can offer employers more details about the candidate.